Thursday 7 May 2009


Changing the opacity of the grass will help define the information that I am going to place on the page but yet also still keeps type in context. I am going to experiment printing this photograph of grass on to different stocks of paper to see what effect i produce.

Inspiration... it looks to be that some type faces are more legiable than others...also some don't really have strong components by still work really well as a set...I think i have considered this when produing my type made out of dandelions...I think overall it is quite legiable but as a set it is more understandable so on my final board i think i may display the type face alkong with a word to empshasis the type.

It is amazing when you start to look in to type what sort of things people create letter forms out of! i really enjoy experiementing with type and I think I am going to involve type more in my 3rd year as it has become more of an interest to me.

EXISTING TYPE....taken from books in the library. Inspirational starting points!

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